Andrea Zanelli is Marie-Skłodowska-Curie Fellow at the University of Freiburg, working with Prof. Dr. Moritz Diehl. His PhD research is about design and implementation of efficient and reliable numerical methods for nonlinear optimization. His interest ranges from algorithms for numerical optimization on embedded devices with limited resources to applications in the control and design of airborne wind energy systems. One of his current projects is the development of inexact numerical methods and optimal control formulations that lead to increased computational efficiency of the algorithms used in embedded optimization and nonlinear nonlinear model predictive control. He is teaching assistant for a semester course on numerical optimal control, a winter school on numerical optimal control with differential algebraic equations and a semester course on numerical optimization. In 2017 he spent 3 months as visiting PhD researcher at the Silicon Valley “flying car” start-up Kitty Hawk. Before starting his PhD within the AWESCO network he has been a research assistant at the Automatic Control Laboratory of ETH Zurich.
MSc in Robotics, Systems and Control, 2015
ETH Zurich
BSc in Automation Engineering, 2012
Politecnico di Milano